Accurate pinpointing with the M-96 takes some practice but
not much. With a little experience, you should be able to pinpoint
buried targets in just a few seconds.
1. Once the presence of a buried target is
indicated by a sharp increase in the audio signal
and needle movement, continue moving the
search coil from side-to-side across the target area
in a narrower and narrower search pattern.
2. Stop the search coil over the spot where you receive
the loudest response and highest meter reading.
3. Now move the coil slowly forward and straight
back a couple of times, again stopping over the
strongest response.
4. Move the search coil side-to-side one more time and
stop over the strongest signal once again. Your target
should be directly below the center of the search coil.
5. For quick and accurate pinpointing of strong
signals, push the RETUNE button momentarily, close
to, but not over, the target area. This will “detune”
the M-96 so that it responds over a smaller area,
making pinpointing of the object easier. “Detuning”
also reduces depth penetration.
The ultra-slow auto-tune circuitry is constantly retuning the M-
96 just fast enough to counteract any drift caused by humidity,
temperature changes, etc. If the search coil is held for a
prolonged period of time over a target, the M-96 will eventually
“tune out” the target and the signal will fade. A brief negative-
meter response may also result when the coil is moved away
from the target. In either case, the M-96 may be instantly retuned
to the “threshold” level by pushing the RETUNE button while
holding the coil away from the target area.