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4 Configuration Menu
4.5. Modem
The Modem link allows users to configure the F3400-M/F1000’s internal modem (if the option
is available). This instructs the F3400-M/F1000-M when, how, and whom to call when an
alarm occurs. See definitions below for more information.
Figure 4.7
Modem Configuration Page
Initialization String: A maximum of 38 characters. &c1 and &d3 are mandatory. s0=1 sets
the modem to answer after one ring. s0=0 disables the auto answer and prevents dial-in access.
Dial Prefix: Should be a specific Hayes compatible command or dial modifier depending on
pager requirements. It is also limited to 38 characters. The default is set to atdt.
Pager Deliveries: Designates the number of times (0-255) the pager is called until the alarm is
acknowledged. Pagers are called in sequence. For example, if Pager Deliveries is set to 3 and
pagers 1, 7, and 10 are programmed to be notified, the F3400/F1000 dials 1, 7, 10, 1, 7, 10, 1, 7,
10. As soon as the alarm is acknowledged, the F3400/F1000 quits dialing the pagers with that
particular access code. Pagers with different access codes are still dialed.
Pager Interval: Determines the number of minutes to wait between redials.
Pager Baud Rate: Allows the user to set the pager communications settings.
Pager Resend: Select yes for the F3400/F1000 to send all unacknowledged alarms in the
Alarm History Menu. Select no to send only the last unacknowledged alarm. If no is selected,
the F3400/F1000 will auto-acknowledge all alarms associated with that particular pager once a
successful page has occurred.
Modem Password: Defines a remote access password, seven characters maximum. Used when
remotely logging into the F3400/F1000 through a modem.
Redial Attempts: Determines the number of times (1-255) to call a number until the call is
successful. Enter 0 to disable this function.