
– 14 – ETAsys.com
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
PossibleCause#1 Check Issues 1 - 4 first.
PossibleCause#2 Proper Channel is not selected for viewing.
PossibleCause#3 Channel Activation LED is Illuminated Green but the Voltage display is not on. Check the wiring between the
ETA-ECS6RM Channel and the ECM module. “V”, “A” and “D” must be in the correct polarity.
PossibleCause#1 An ETA-ECM20 Module is connected. This module does not support current read out.
PossibleCause#2 Check Issues 1 - 4 first.
PossibleCause#3 Current Draw of ECM Module must exceed 500mA to register.
PossibleCause#4 Proper Channel is not selected for viewing.
PossibleCause#5 Channel Activation LED is Illuminated Green but the Current display reads “nA”. Check the wiring between
the ETA-ECS6RM Channel and the ECM module. “V”, “A” and “D” must be in the correct polarity.
AC Power Conditioning & Suppression Module