
Note: If the triangle pointing in the direction you are adjusting the shape turns gray, you cannot
adjust the shape any further in that direction.
9. Press the Esc button to return to the Curved Surface menu screen.
10. Repeat the previous three steps as necessary to adjust any remaining image parts.
If the image expands or contracts, continue with the next step to adjust the linearity.
11. Select one of the following from the Curved Surface menu screen:
Horizontal Linearity: Adjusts horizontal expansion or contraction
Vertical Linearity: Adjusts vertical expansion or contraction
12. Select a displayed line to use as a baseline and press Enter.
The selected baseline flashes red and white.
13. Adjust the linearity by doing one of the following:
Press the left arrow button to shrink or contract the distance between the lines closest to the
Press the right arrow button to expand the distance between the lines closest to the baseline
14. When you are finished, press Menu to exit.