54 53
TM-T88III series
2) DIP switch 2: 8 switches
Table 3.3.3 DIP Switch 2
SW 2 Function ON OFF
1 Handshaking (BUSY condition) • Receive buffer full • Offline
• Receive buffer full
2 Reserved (Do not change settings) --- Fixed to OFF
Selects print density /
Low power consumption mode
Refer to Table 3.3.4
5 Setting the release condition of the
receive buffer BUSY state (this function
is effective when the capacity of the
receive buffer is set to 4 KB.)
Releases the BUSY
state when the
remaining capacity of
the receive buffer
reaches 138 bytes.
Releases the BUSY
state when the
remaining capacity of
the receive buffer
reaches 256 bytes.
6 Reserved (Do not change settings) --- Fixed to Off
7 I/F pin 6 reset signal (*1) Enabled Disabled
8 IF pin 25 reset signal (*2) Enabled Disabled
(*1)(*2) With the RS-485 serial interface specification (a dealer option), DIP Switches 2-7 and 2-8
are disabled.
Table 3.3.4 DIP Switch 2-3 and 2-4
Level Function SW 2-3 SW 2-4
Low power consumption mode ON ON
1 Print density (Normal) OFF OFF
3 Print density (Dark) OFF ON
NOTES: • Changes in DIP switch settings (excluding switches 2-7 and 2-8 interface reset signals)
are recognized only when the printer power is turned on or when the printer is reset by
using the interface. If the DIP switch setting is changed after the printer power is turned
on, the change does not take effect until the printer is turned on again or is reset.
• If you turn on DIP switch 2-7 or 2-8 while the printer power is turned on, the printer may
be reset, depending on the signal state. DIP switches should not be changed while the
printer power is on.
• If the print density is set to level 2 or 3, printing speed is inclined to be low speed.
• In low power consumption, printing speed is fixed to 70 mm/s.