Paper roll Bit-image commands GS ( L GS 8 L
Ver. 10.01 p. 214
■ The graphics functions provided here maintain upward compatibility with conventional bit image
(*1) These commands are supported by some of the printer models but will not be supported by future
■ The various graphics functions (of this command), more user-friendly than conventional bit image
functions, offer the following advantages.
• Definition of multiple items of logo mark and insignia data (with most functions).
• Management of data using key codes.
• Deletion of and redefinition of data per key code.
• Color coding of image-data.
• Definition of image-data in both raster and column formats.
• Confirmation of available capacity in domain.
• Continuous processing possible (without a software reset when a command has been processed).
■ The following three types of graphics functions are included.
• NV graphics [Functions 48, 51, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, and 69]
Stores data in non-volatile memory.
Defined data is retained when power is turned off.
There is a limit on the number of times that non-volatile memory can be written to.
• Download graphics [Functions 52, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85]
Stores data in volatile memory (RAM).
Defined data is lost when the ESC @ command is executed, the system is reset, or power is turned off.
Graphics type Corresponding bit image command (*1)
NV graphics FS p, FS q
Download graphics GS ✻, GS /
Graphics GS Q 0, GS v 0