(8) Character sizes and maximum column lengths can be specified as follows;
Table 3 Character Size and Maximum Column Length
Pin number
Character size
column length
Normal OFF OFF
80 80
OFF ON 132
Emphasized ON
ON 80 80
If you turn any of the above character sizes to the enlarged character print
mode, then the maximum column length will be reduced to a half of them.
5.2. Setting of DIP switch No. 2
The DIP switch No. 2 consists of the following 4 pins. A summary of the functions
of the respective DIP switch pins and their preset conditions at the time of ship-
ment are shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Functions and Conditions of DIP Switch No. 2
SW pin No.
Function OFF ON
International character set
See Table 5.
International character set
See Table 5.
AUTO FEED XT signal internally
fixed or not fixed
Not fixed Fixed
1 inch skip-over perforation
Valid Invalid
(1) SW2-1 & 2-2: Combined use of these two pins and SW1-7 permit selection of
the international character set for U.S.A., France, Germany, England,
Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Spain as shown in Table 5 upon power applica-
(2) SW2-3: This pin is used to fix AUTO FEED XT signal internally. (Refer to the
explanation of control code “CR” in paragraph 3.1 (1) “WHAT IS THE MX-80
TYPE II?“.) This signal line is wired ORed with the pin No. 14 of the interface
connector. Therefore, to control the pin No. 14 externally through TTL, etc.,
leave this DIP switch pin to the OFF position.
(3) SW2-4: This pin is used to set the automatic skip-over perforation function.
(a) When this pin is set to the OFF position, the automatic skip-over perfora-
tion function becomes valid. By this function, the paper automatically
advances to the first line of the next page when the remaining page length
is 1 inch.
(b) When this pin is set to the ON position, the l-inch automatic skip-over
perforation function becomes invalid. However, you can activate this func-
tion programmably (described in detail later).