The illustration below shows how you can use a grid to plan
where you want dots to be printed. This grid is for a
graphics 42 columns long. Since each line of 24-pin grap
line of
its is
approximately 1/8th of an inch high and since triple-density
graphics prints 180 dots per inch horizontally, a design planned on
this figure will be about 1/8th of an inch high and less than 1/4th
of an inch wide.
The actual pattern that the LQ prints on the paper is, of course,
made up of dots that overlap each other both vertically and
horizontally. The reason the planning grid uses an x for each dot is
that using an accurate representation of the dots makes calculating
the data numbers difficult because they cover up each other.
Therefore, remember that each x represents the center of a dot,
and the dots actually overlap each other.
Write the assigned values of the pins next to your design and
then total the values for each column of dots. These totals are the
values that will be sent to the printer as graphics data to print the