Dot matrix
A method of printing in which letters and symbols are formed by
patterns of individual dots.
A print mode in which each character is printed twice, with the
second slightly below the first.
A print width in which each character is twice as wide as normal
characters. Double-width was formerly known as expanded.
One of two methods of printing on the EX. Draft uses a minimum
number of dots per character for high-speed printing, and NLQ
reduces the print speed to increase the print quality
A pitch with 12 characters per inch.
A printing mode in which each dot is printed twice, with the second
slightly to the right of the first.
A special control code used to begin most printer commands.
Abbreviation for Epson Standard Code for Printers, a set of
commands developed by Epson and supported by almost all
application software for personal computers.
See Double-width.
In printer terminology this term is usually equivalent to page.
Form feed (FF)
A control code and a button that advances the paper to the top of the
next form.
See Number systems.