
How to order printer software diskettes from EPSON
You can order printer driver software diskettes from EPSON by phone or fax for
$9.95 shipping and handling (plus tax where applicable), or you can download the
diskette image files. When you’re ready to install your printer software, see page 7
for Windows instructions or page 13 for Macintosh instructions.
EPSON Web Page: Point your browser to http://www.epson.com/connects
and select File Downloads (FTP)
EPSON Internet FTP Site: Log on to ftp.epson.com with the user name
anonymous and your e-mail address as the password
Epson America Forum on CompuServe
: Click on Services . . Go, then type
EPSONFOR in the dialog box
EPSON Download Service: Set your modem’s communications software to
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and a maximum speed of 28.8 Kbps. Then
dial the EPSON BBS at (800) 442-2007
If you need downloading instructions, call EPSON’s FaxAdvice
service at
(800) 442-2110 and request document #1220; be sure to supply a return fax
Fax: Send the following information by fax to EPSON at (310) 782-5266:
Name and Company name
Street address (no P.O. boxes please)
City, State and ZIP code
Daytime telephone number
Payment method (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express)
Card number and expiration date
Be sure to sign your fax; it is required for the credit card purchase
Printer name (EPSON Stylus Photo 700)
Operating system (Windows 95, Windows 3.1, Windows NT 4.0, or
Phone: Call (310) 533-8467 from 6 AM to 6 PM Pacific time, Monday through Friday
EPSON and EPSON Stylus are registered trademarks of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. EPSON FaxAdvice, EPSON Digital PhotoLab, and EPSON Photo Sheet
are trademarks of Epson America, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims
any and all rights in those marks.
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Copyright © 1998 by Epson America, Inc. 3/98
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