HP Emulation Command Summary
This section lists the printer commands supported by HP
emulation. For more information on printer commands, see the
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIP III Printer Technical Reference
To use these printer commands, your software package must be
capable of passing these non-printable commands to the printer. The
method in which each software uses these commands varies from one
software to another.
All commands closely emulate the HP LaserJet series III except
for the following:
ESC &l # A can be used to select the following eight paper sizes:
Executive, Letter, Legal, A4, Monarch, Com-10, International
DL, and International C5. This command overrides the PAGE
SIZE setting in SelecType. Other paper sizes cannot be specified
with this command.
ESC &1#H works differently whether it is used in INPUT
AUTO or not. When you set INPUT AUTO, this command can
only be used to specify single sheet paper feeding when the
value of # is 2,3, or 6. The printer returns to INPUT AUTO with
any other values. When you set INPUT STD or OPT, the values
for # produce the effects listed in the following table.
HP Emulation Mode