Technical Specifications
Cardinal U/G
Rev. C
A5 size APPA.FM
11/6/98 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
Kimura _______
Nishi _______
Hoadley _______
Compatibility mode: High signal indicates that a feed jam has
occurred in the paper supply section, or that
there is no paper in the paper tray.
Negotiation phase: High signal indicates whether or not IEEE
1284 is supported. Afterwards, this signal
conforms with NDataAvail (nFault).
Reverse data transfer
In nibble mode, this signal serves as nibble
data bit 2 and then 6.
Reverse final phase: High until the host requests a data transfer.
Afterwards, this signal conforms with
NDataAvail (nFault).
ECP mode: Low signal authorizes nReverseRequest. The
host looks at this signal in order to determine
whether or not it has permission to drive the
data signals.
Compatibility mode: Always high.
Negotiation phase: Xflag indicates the extensibility flag. Used to
respond to the extensibility request value
sent from the host.
Reverse data transfer
In nibble mode, this signal serves as nibble
data bit 1 and then 5.
Reverse idle phase: Same as negotiation phase.
ECP mode: Same as negotiation phase.