ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH
Grosse Düwelstrasse 1 · 30171 Hannover · Germany
Fon: +49(0) 511 - 9 42 93-0 · Fax: +49(0) 511 - 9 42 93-40
E-Mail: contact@colorgate.com · Web: www.colorgate.com
2008 ColorGATE. ColorGATE is a registered trademark. All other products are registered or unregistered trademarks of their respective companies.
Due to continuing research and product improvements, features or product specifications may change at any time without notice. PHG5_05/08_EN
With compliments from your ColorGATE Partner
ColorGATE – surf in and find out
Comprehensive, competent support with short response times
during daily production is a top priority at ColorGATE. We are
happy to support you in optimally integrating your ColorGATE
software into your production environment and to assist you in
the area of color management or profiling.
Welcome to www.colorgate.com! This is where you will find the
answers to all your questions. You will also find the most recent
download updates for your software and information about the
functions in new versions.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a
call: +49 (0)511 - 9 42 93-0. We look forward to hearing from you!
ColorGATE – the right product for
every solution
Add Modules to your ColorGATE PRODUCTIONSERVER
to make it as
profitable as you need it to be:
PROOF Module – Legally binding proofing based on a licensed
media wedge, developed according to FOGRA and bvdm require-
ments and recommendations of the ECI in compliance with media
standard printing (ISO 12647-7). Including DeviceLink technology,
measuring, evaluation and reporting functions.
PROFILER Module – Full color control over all printing media with
individually created ICC profiles. The linearization and profile
assistant guides the user through all the relevant settings. The
result: no doubt about it – professional MIM combinations
EXPRESS PROFILER Module – Quick, assistant-guided adaptation
of existing printing profiles on other FineArt papers. Saves time
and material.
REFERENCE PROFILER Module – Convenient production of
individual ICC profiles for Photoshop printing jobs.