EPSON and EPSON Stylus are registered trademarks of SEIKO EPSON
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and
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Copyright © 1999 by Epson America, Inc.
Printed on recycled paper with at least 10% post-consumer content. 3/99
1 Set up the printer
2 Install the software
3 Print an image
Start Here
Start Here
8. Double-click the EPSON icon in the CD-ROM folder.
You see the EPSON Stylus COLOR 740i Installer
Main Menu.
9. To install a program or your electronic EPSON Stylus
COLOR 740i Manual, just click the button for your
selection on the Main Menu. Then follow the
on-screen instructions. Click
EXIT when you’re done.
To view your electronic manual, you must install
Adobe Acrobat
on your system, if you
don’t already have it. Select the option to install
the program and follow the on-screen instructions.
Once you’ve viewed the manual, you can copy it
to your hard disk using the Copy Printer Manual
to Hard Drive option.
10. Some of the software you install may restart
your system. If you restart but want to install more
software, double-click the
EPSON icon in the
CD-ROM folder, to get to the Installer Main Menu.
11. After you finish installing the software, you need to
select your printer in the Chooser.
Open the Chooser from the Apple menu. If you’re
connected to the Macintosh printer port or to a
PowerBook with one port, turn off AppleTalk
12. Click the
SC 740 icon, then click the icon for the port
you’re using. Turn on background printing, if you
want to use it. Then close the Chooser.
13. Now you’re ready to print a color image! See step 3,
Print an image, to get started.
3 Print an image
3 Print an image
Now that you’ve set up your printer and installed the
software, you’re ready to print all your color and
monochrome documents from any application.
For the best results, check out the EPSON Photo Quality
Media Pack that came with your printer, then follow the
instructions in “Printing from Start to Finish” in your
Printer Basics book.
Printer Basics also gives basic printer maintenance and
troubleshooting information, and instructions on viewing
electronic manuals with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To get going quickly with your
EPSON Stylus
COLOR 740i, you’ll need to:
To get going quickly with your
EPSON Stylus
COLOR 740i, you’ll need to:
1 Set up the printer
2 Install the software
3 Print an image