
resolution) will print artwork with white flecks in the solid black. This will allow light
to pass through the black areas and your stamp will end up being solid.
To make laser artwork printed some laser printers and photocopiers dark
enough, follow these simple steps:
Soak a cloth with White Spirit and wipe it once over the printed side of your
artwork. A little black may come off on the cloth. Do not wipe it too hard or with a
dry cloth or you will remove too much black. Run a hot air gun (not a hair dryer)
over the surface of the artwork to flare off the white spirit, if you hold it too close
you will melt the plastic. The surface should now look shiny and the black and
will be dark enough to make stamps with.
Some new laser printers are not affected by white spirit and cannot be enhanced.
If you do not have a laser or an ink jet printer then just photocopy your design onto
the imageblack laser sheets using a standard photocopier. Then follow the
instructions given above for wiping with white spirit and heating with a hot air gun.
Laser Model Resolution Specific Instructions
AculaserC1100 600x600 dpi
Laser Model Resolution Specific Instructions
KX-P7200 600 dpi Wiping with white spirit and heating required.
Laser Model Resolution Specific Instructions
HP1020 600x600 dpi Set to maximum toner in Properties, set to vellum
and FastRes1200, may still need wiping with
white spirit and heating.
Ink Jet Model Resolution Specific Instructions
Set to Best, Black and White and transparency.
Ink Jet Model Resolution Specific Instructions
HL 2030 600 dpi
Does not print black enough.
Contact us on + 44 1733 33 99 37 or on info@imagepacdaylight.co.uk
if you
require more detailed information.