Unicode and Fonts
100-88002 Rev B Page 215
Function Set Character spacing in points with adjustment. All
ASCII [ESC] + j <d>
Hexadecimal 1BH 2BH 6AH
Decimal <27> <43> <106>
Range d = 0, 16 – 255
The [ESC] + j command will set the character spacing in points, where ¼ point is
defined as 1/288
of an inch. This command will force mono-space printing. It will
override any character spacing set by the set character height and width commands
defined above. This spacing will be enforced until deactivated by setting the value to
0 or if the set character height and width commands use a 0 for the width indicating
proportional spacing should be used. This command differs from the [ESC] + i
command in that if the character is too large for the cell, the cell will be expanded in
multiples of <d> until the character fits.
If d = 0 variable spacing is selected. However, note that the cell adjustment flag will
remain set and if legacy commands are used they will allow the cell to be expanded.
Note: If the current character size is too large for the selected spacing, the characters
will overlap. Variable spacing is recommended.
Function Set minimum Line Spacing in Points All
ASCII [ESC] + V <d>
Hexadecimal 1BH 2BH 56H
Decimal <27> <43> <86>
Range d = 0, 4 – 72
The [ESC] + V command will set the line spacing in points, where one point is defined
as 1/72
of an inch.
If d = 0 variable spacing is selected.
Note: This is the minimum spacing. If the character height setting requires a larger
spacing, the character height will override this setting.