Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 128
You may see the message "Cannot unload module". This indicates that you must reboot the system to
get a driver to unbind from that adapter alias; emlxdrv only updates the system configuration for the next
emlxdrv> clear_dev fe00
Updating fe00 ...
Cannot unload module: emlxs
Will be unloaded upon reboot.
Clears all lpfc driver bindings. You may see the message "Cannot unload module". This indicates that
you must reboot the system to get a driver to unbind from that adapter alias; emlxdrv only updates the
system configuration for the next boot.
emlxdrv> clear_lpfc
Updating f900 ...
Cannot unload module: lpfc
Will be unloaded upon reboot.
Updating f980 ...
Cannot unload module: lpfc
Will be unloaded upon reboot.
Clears all emlxs driver bindings. You may see the message "Cannot unload module". This indicates that
you must reboot the system to get a driver to unbind from that adapter alias; emlxdrv only updates the
system configuration for the next boot.
emlxdrv> clear_emlxs
Cannot unload module: emlxs
Will be unloaded upon reboot.
Updating fc00 ...
Cannot unload module: emlxs
Will be unloaded upon reboot.
Updating fc10 ...
Cannot unload module: emlxs
Will be unloaded upon reboot.
Updating fc20 ...
Cannot unload module: emlxs
Will be unloaded upon reboot.