Shared Back–end Storage Architecture:
Unexpected Failures, Difficult Servicing,
Data Availability at Risk
As drive density and rotational speeds increase
to accommodate the exponential growth of
end–user storage capacity requirements, the
risks and difficulties associated with existing
storage system RAS levels also increase.
Additionally, performance bottlenecks during
system scaling due to shared loop connectivity
in the back end introduce new points of system
latency. And the lack of management, statistics
and diagnostics capabilities in shared bus
architectures renders the fundamental process
of predicting, troubleshooting and identifying
drive problems an inefficient and costly
undertaking that often entails bringing entire
arrays offline or requires onsite servicing.
How InSpeed Helps
With the introduction of Emulex’s InSpeed
technology, most leading storage OEMs are now
eliminating the latency and inherent reliability
problems associated with shared connectivity.
As a drop–in solution InSpeed enables a
cost–effective and easy conversion to a 2Gb/s
switched back–end architecture that improves
system RAS characteristics, facilitates much–
needed diagnostics capabilities and enables
linear performance growth as the system
scales. InSpeed decreases OEM’s in–field
service costs and the MTTR of their solutions,
while insuring the integrity of their customers’
data is maintained throughout the life of the
storage solution.
InSpeed: A Unique & Disruptive Technology
The underlying core technology behind Emulex’s
line of Embedded Storage Switch products is
called ‘InSpeed’. Designed for performance,
simplicity and compatibility, InSpeed technology
is an advanced switching architecture coupling
a non–blocking Crossbar switch with unique
port logic and embedded SERDES resulting
in a single, highly–integrated switch–on–a–
chip (SOC), capable of multiple concurrent
conversations between Fibre Channel device
ports. Praised by renowned storage industry
analysts and solutions providers, and tested
or deployed by 9 of the 10 largest storage
companies, Emulex’s award–winning InSpeed
technology makes it possible to truly address
embedded storage system requirements for the
very first time.
Improved Reliability
InSpeed Embedded Storage Switches improve
storage system reliability 15% by delivering
an off–the–shelf, field–proven back–end
switching solution that integrates functionality
required by numerous custom–configured
discrete components. When implemented in a
redundant Root Switch configuration, InSpeed
Embedded Storage Switches deliver failure–
independent A & B data paths directly to disk
drive drawers.