
NetWin 110 HBA User’s Guide Page 1-5
1.3.2. Viewing the Discovery Summary Page
The Discovery Summary page contains a general summary of the discovered elements contained in the SAN. It is
displayed when you click the root node of the discovery tree (Hosts or Fabrics, depending on the view).
The Discovery Summary page
displays the following:
Number of Fabrics- the
total number of fabrics
discovered (displays
"Unavailable" if Sort by
Host is active).
Number of Hosts- the total
number of host computers
discovered. This includes
servers, workstations,
personal computers,
multiprocessors and
clustered computer
complexes (displays
"Unavailable" if Sort by
Fabric is active).
Number of Adapters- the
total number of
110 HBAs
Number of Targets- the total number of unique targets discovered on the SAN. In the discovery tree, the same
target can appear under more than one HBA.
To view the Discovery Summary page, select Hosts or Fabrics in the discovery tree.
1.3.3. Viewing Host Information
The Host Information page displays
information about attached devices
visible to the selected host.
The Host Information page displays
the following:
Number of Adapters- the
number of NetWin
HBAs visible to the
selected host.
Number of Fabrics- the
number of storage
networks and/or switches
visible to the selected host.
Number of Targets- the
number of storage devices
visible to the selected host.
To view Host Information, from the
discovery tree select the host whose
information you wish to view.