
Steinberg Cubase LE
12 Creative Professional
4 - Running Proteus X LE VSTi from Cubase LE
E These instructions also
apply to Proteus X or
Emulator X.
These instructions explain how to start Proteus X LE from within Cubase LE. If you have
a MIDI keyboard, you should connect it now using the setup diagrams and instructions
that came with your E-MU Digital Audio System. Without a keyboard, you will only be
able to play one note at a time using the mini keyboard on Proteus X LE.
1. From the Cubase LE Project window, select Add Track from the Project menu and
choose MIDI Track .
2. The Cubase Project Window should now look like this with one MIDI track.
3. Click on the Devices menu pull-down and select VST Instruments (or press F11).
Inspector Area
MIDI Track