Net Oil Computer Supplement 3
NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin
Chapter 2
NOC Overview
2.1 Overview
This chapter discusses various topics that should be reviewed and considered before beginning
configuration of the Series 3000 platform with the NOC application. Topics include:
• Introduction to the NOC system – see Section 2.2
- NOC system components – see Section 2.2.1
- Installation architecture – see Section 2.2.2
- Operation modes – see Section 2.2.3
- Water cut determination and required well data – see Section 2.2.5
• NOC application features and options – see Section 2.3
- Temperature correction – see Section 2.3.1
- Pressure compensation – see Section 2.3.2
- Shrinkage factors – see Section 2.3.3
- Transient Bubble Remediation – see Section 2.3.4
- Gas measurement – see Section 2.3.5
- Transient Mist Remediation – see Section 2.3.6
- Recalculation – see Section 2.3.7
This chapter also includes:
• A list of questions that should be answered before beginning configuration – see Section 2.4.
• A list of NOC measurement terms and definitions – see Section 2.5.
2.2 Introduction to the NOC system
“NOC” is an abbreviation of “Net Oil Computer.” In the present context, NOC is a software option
that can be purchased for three members of the Series 3000 family: the Model 3500 panel-mount
transmitter, the Model 3500 rack-mount transmitter, and the Model 3700 field-mount transmitter.
When paired with a Micro Motion sensor installed on the oil/water leg of a two-phase separator or the
oil leg of a three-phase separator, the NOC application can provide real-time measurements of water
cut. Alternatively, the NOC application can receive water cut data from an external water cut monitor
(see Section 2.2.5 for information on water cut options). When the water cut value is known, net oil
volume flow and net water volume flow can be calculated.
If desired, real-time gas measurement may be implemented by installing a meter on the gas leg. The
Series 3000 platform then receives gas flow data via its frequency input.