Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4801, Rev HA
February 2008
Rosemount 3051S
No special installation is required in addition to the standard
installation practices outlined in this document. Always ensure a
proper seal by installing the electronics housing covers so that metal
contacts metal.
The loop should be designed so the terminal voltage does not drop
below 10.5 Vdc when the transmitter output is 23.0 mA.
If hardware security switches are installed, the security switch should
be in the “ON” position during normal operation. See Figure 2 on
page 6. If hardware security switches are not installed, security should
be “ON” in the software to prevent accidental or deliberate change of
configuration data during normal operation.
Use any HART-compliant master to communicate with and verify
configuration of the 3051S Safety-Certified Pressure Transmitter (see
Table 1 on page 13 and 14 to verify configuration).
User-selected damping will affect the transmitters ability to respond to
changes in the applied process. The damping value + response time
should not exceed the loop requirements.
4801_QIG_RevHA.fm Page 18 Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:17 PM