© 1999 ELSA AG, Aachen (Germany)
While the information in this manual has been compiled with great care, it may not be deemed an
assurance of product characteristics. ELSA shall be liable only to the degree specified in the terms of
sale and delivery.
The reproduction and distribution of the documentation and software supplied with this product and the
use of its contents is subject to written authorization from ELSA. We reserve the right to make any
alterations that arise as the result of technical development.
ELSA is DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. The accredited TÜV CERT certification authority has confirmed ELSA
conformity to the worldwide ISO 9001 standard in certificate number 09 100 5069, issued on June 15,
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ELSA logo is a registered trademark of ELSA AG.
Subject to change without notice. No liability for technical errors or omissions.
Aachen, October 1999
Sonnenweg 11
52070 Aachen
ELSA, Inc.
2231 Calle De Luna
Santa Clara, CA 95054
No. 20840/1099