ribbonS & mEDAlS
Your level is only one way that your performance and progress are tracked in
Medal of Honor
Ribbons and medals serve as a record of your milestones in a single match or over the course of
your career. Ribbons are awards for specific feats and can be received multiple times. Medals are
awards that are tracked over your multiplayer career that mark significant milestones, such as
reaching 100 kills or completing 100 objectives. The medals and ribbons you earn during a round
are summarized after that round.
Every weapon in Medal of Honor has its pros and cons. Sniper rifles are great at long range, but
not as effective up close. Shotguns are excellent in close quarters, but suffer a loss of accuracy at range.
Selecting an appropriate weapon is perhaps the first step in forming a strategy for conquering OPFOR.
While playing through the online component of Medal of Honor, you earn several new weapons and
accessories, including silencers, scopes, and custom ammo. Adjust your gear on the Change Gear
screen and customize your weapon to fit your style of play.
coAlition wEAPonS
Rifleman M16A4 M249 F2000
Sniper M21 M24 G3A4
Special Ops M4A1 870MCS P90 PDW
oPfor wEAPonS
Rifleman AK-47 PKM F2000
Sniper SVD SV-98 G3A4
Special Ops AKS-74U TOZ-194 P90 PDW
ScorEcHAinS & SuPPort ActionS
You can gain points by shooting other players or by performing certain in-game actions. Once you begin
earning points, the scorechain begins. A scorechain builds as long as you remain alive, but is cancelled
when you die. At certain intervals, you receive Support Actions.
Support Actions are extra military assets that you can use against the opposition, such as artillery or
better ammunition. If you die while you have a Support Action that has not yet been activated, you
may use it when you respawn. If you want to gain a different Support Action, you must rebuild your
scorechain to the necessary level. A meter in the lower right hand corner of the screen displays the
current level of your scorechain and the requirement for the next level.
Before you can use Xbox LIVE, connect your Xbox 360 console to a high-speed Internet connection and
sign up to become an Xbox LIVE member.
For more information about connecting, and to determine whether Xbox LIVE is available in your region,
go to www.xbox.com/live/countries.
fAmily SEttingS
These easy and flexible tools enable parents and caregivers to decide which games young game
players can access based on the content rating. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated content.
Approve who and how your family interacts with others online with the Xbox LIVE service, and set time
limits on how long they can play. For more information, go to www.xbox.com/familysettings.
mEDAl of Honor
Play Jump into or create a multiplayer match with friends and strangers.
Career Change your gear, view the unlock tree, view your stats and medals, or view
the leaderboards.
Options Adjust your controls or other in-game options, including your television’s
display area.
Store Purchase content online.
Extras View brief instructions on how to play Medal of Honor online or the credits.
clASSES & ExPEriEncE
You can choose one of three classes to play when taking
Medal of Honor
online. Each class has its own
unique appearance and requires a certain style of play, allowing you to fulfill necessary roles on the
battlefield. You can also select and customize the weapons that the classes use, adjusting its strengths
in your favor. The coalition forces and the Opposing Force (OPFOR) utilize the same classes.
The Rifleman is the basic fighter class. They tend to be frontline combatants, leading the charge toward
OPFOR positions and being the backbone of the armed forces. Riflemen generally use assault rifles and
machine guns, with smoke grenades as an accessory.
Special Ops are close-quarters combat experts. They use submachine guns or shotguns, and keep a
rocket launcher ready for high explosive sabotage. Sneaking behind OPFOR lines and cutting off supply
routes or waiting to ambush are two key strategies for Special Ops.
Snipers are best when taking up positions behind the main line and taking out OPFOR from afar.
While they can plant and detonate explosives, their primary function is long-range crowd control.
Snipers need to take precautions to keep safe when in combat, since looking down a scope limits
their field of view.
You gain experience for your chosen class by performing actions that result in Score on the field of
battle. Score is gained by accomplishing mission goals. Leveling up unlocks new weapons and extras.
Each class levels separately from the other classes, so if you wish to gain access to new weapons
or abilities for a class, you must play as that class to earn experience. The level of your class is
independent of your faction. If you are a level 7 Rifleman when playing as an OPFOR, you are a level 7
Rifleman when playing as a coalition soldier.