COaChiNg Tip: addiNg ElEvaTiON aNd SpiN
To add elevation to your shot, power it up for longer (but beware of overpowering) and
move the L Stick to add sidespin, topspin, or backspin. Topspin can be employed to bring
a ball down quickly (e.g., after it has cleared the wall).
iNdirECT FrEE kiCk/gOal kiCk
L Stick
Lob pass (hold for increased power) Y Button
Ground pass
B Button
Aim throw
L Stick
Short throw (to nearest player) B Button
Manual short throw
(in direction you’re facing)
X Button
Long throw
Y Button
Lock on a receiver (locks your aim to the
closest receiver you are facing)
ZL Button (hold)
Lob cross (hold for increased power) Y Button
Add spin to lob cross
(while powering kick)
L Stick
Low cross
Y Button (double tap)
Ground cross
Y Button (triple tap)
Call for a second player
ZL Button
pENalTy kiCk
Aim shot
(hold to aim further in any direction)
L Stick
Driven shot
A Button
Finesse/Placed shot
R Button + A Button
Chip shot
L Button + A Button
Dive (goalkeeper only) R Stick
Move along goal line (goalkeeper only) L Stick
COaChiNg Tip: pENalTiES
Aiming: By default, you start aiming at the middle of the goal. From the moment you start
powering up for a shot, you can move the L Stick to aim anywhere inside the goal. The
longer you hold the L Stick in any particular direction, the farther your shot goes in that
direction. Be careful with how long you hold the L Stick, as letting go too soon results in a
shot closer to the middle of the goal, and holding it for too long causes you to miss
the goal.
When playing with a GamePad, hold the GamePad up to the TV screen to activate an
aiming reticule. To adjust your aiming reticule, move the GamePad around the screen. You
can apply curve to your shot with the L Stick, but be careful not to overdo it. Sometimes
the best penalties are the simplest ones. Keep an eye on the shot gauge and try to take
your shot in the gauge’s green target spot for the best possible penalty.
Saving: Committing to a save direction early allows you to reach farther and save shots
close to the corner of the goals. However, diving farther to the side makes it more difficult
to save shots aimed toward the middle of the goal.
If you think the kick taker is going for placement rather than power, you can try to react to
the shot by holding the R Stick in any direction after the ball has been kicked.