You are surrounded by the FPD and must try to escape in the fastest time possible.
CirCuit raCe
Race multiple laps around key locations in the city.
sprint raCe
Take part in a location-to-location race, one-way, as fast as possible. Follow the checkpoints to
reach the finish.
speeD run
Maintain the highest average speed you can on a point-to-point course.
autolog 2.0
Powered by Autolog 2.0, the race-tuned heart of Most Wanted, this is the way you can stay in
touch with your progress and scores of your Most Wanted friends.
Updating in real-time, Autolog 2.0 will tell you when a friend has beaten your score, if there’s
an event waiting to be completed, and measure your performance against the others who are
out there challenging the streets.
If you want information and want it fast, Autolog 2.0 will keep you up to speed.
Explore, discover, race.
autolog reCoMMenDs
Autolog Recommends is a quick-view guide to the events that are available to you.
Once you’ve unlocked an event, Autolog Recommends shows your score and those of your
friends. Want to see if a friend is ahead of you or if you’ve left them in the dust? This is the
place to come. Haven’t unlocked an event yet? Then you can see the time your friends have set
and get ready to take them on.
SpeedWalls show you the fastest people on your Most Wanted list. Who jumped the farthest?
Who has the highest speed through each Speed Camera? Who is dominating an event? Your
SpeedWall tells all.
speeD points
To climb the rankings in your Most Wanted list, you need Speed Points. Do well in events,
rank-up online, or beat your friends’ times; all of these will earn you the points you need to
seize that number one spot. Jump through Billboards, log yourself as the fastest through Speed
Cameras, takedown cops, drift those corners and build up that total.
Fairhaven is a big city and there are lots of things to see and do. For instant access on the
move, activate EasyDrive. There’s no need to stop the action, no maps, no wait, and no
problem. EasyDrive is designed to take you where you want as you drive.
Select from each car’s events to be guided to it via your mini-map, or select the option to jump
straight there and start the action right away. EasyDrive will also remember the last event you
played and give you the option to replay it at any time.
Want to know the challenge in front of you? EasyDrive grades the difficulty of all the events and
tells you the reward you can expect from completing it.
And that’s not all. EasyDrive also gives instant access to your Autolog Recommended events.
It lets you select Multiplayer and jump straight into the gear-shifting world of Most Wanted
online. You will be able to get the latest info on your Most Wanted list and progress on the
Most Wanted rankings. You also get fast access to all the vehicles you have discovered; simply
select the one you want and you can jump straight to it.
Everything you need to know to become the Most Wanted, whenever and wherever you want it,
right away at the touch of a button... that’s EasyDrive.
The Multiplayer option gives you the ability to join your friends online, join other players
in online Public Games, or create Friends Games where you can serve up your own
Custom SpeedLists.