sWitChing Cars in Multiplayer
Use the Change Car option in EasyDrive to change your car while in Multiplayer.
Multiplayer raCes
Multiplayer Races begin at a Meet Up – there is no starting grid and no rules, so jostle for the
best start you can get and race through the Checkpoints.
Your finish position determines the Speed Points you get. If you fail to complete the Race in
time, you’ll get a DNF and receive no Speed Points.
Multiplayer teaM raCe
Arrive at the Meet Up to be sorted into two teams. The objective of a Team Race is to be the
team that earned the most Speed Points at the end of the event. Speed Points are earned from
your Finish Position, from Takedowns and from Spot Bonuses. A Team Race doesn’t finish until
the last player has crossed the Finish or the Race Timer runs out. So once you’ve claimed your
Finish Position, seek out opponents, spot them and take them down to boost Speed Points for
your team.
Multiplayer speeD tests
Speed Tests are 90 seconds of intense competition where everyone competes to set the
highest speed through a Speed Trap, the longest jump, drift or time.
Race to get your score on the scoreboard first for a Speed Points bonus, then protect that score
by improving it or by taking down opponents to eliminate them from the Speed Test.
Eliminations are active during Speed Tests – this means that if you Takedown an opponent,
their score is frozen on the scoreboard and they are no longer able to set a higher score. If
you’re eliminated, do all you can to Takedown opponents and protect your score.
Multiplayer Challenges
Multiplayer Challenges are multi-part events where everyone cooperates to complete a
Challenge against the clock.
Check the Ticker for what you have to do and race to get your part of the Challenge done
fastest, or make the greatest contribution for the most Speed Points.
tip: In cooperative actions like Jump Over, working together is what’s important, so you’ll
get an equal contribution for jumping over a car, as you will if your car is the one that’s parked
up and being jumped over.
If you do something unique in an event, you’ll get a Ticket issued at the end of it for a Speed
Points bonus.
tip: The Frenemy Ticket earns you the most Speed Points – awarded by beating the most
Friends’ SpeedWalls in an event.
Between every SpeedList, there is an Intermission. This gives you time to Freedrive, change
and customize your cars, and explore anything you might have unlocked during a SpeedList.
CustoM speeDlists
Custom SpeedLists are SpeedLists that you can create yourself with your favorite events to
play in Friends’ games.
To create a Custom SpeedList, access the Edit SpeedLists option from the Multiplayer Map
Screen. In order to play your Custom SpeedLists, you must be the player that created the
Friends’ Game.
liCense plates
You can earn License Plates to show off to other players online by completing Milestones and
other secret challenges.
To customize your License Plate, access the Customize License Plate menu from the Driver
Details Screen.
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highest sCoring player
The Highest Scoring Player is the player who currently has the most Speed Points during the
SpeedList events. Takedown the Highest Scoring Player for additional Speed Points.
sWeet revenge aWarDs
If you are taken down multiple times without getting a Takedown yourself, a Sweet Revenge
award is activated. These will give you the ability to drive the same car as the person who took
you down, gain limitless Nitrous for a short time, be hardened against impact for a limited time,
or get a one-touch Takedown ability.
To assign which Sweet Revenge Award you wish to be activated for the car you’re driving,
access Customize Car in EasyDrive.