lIMIted 90-day warranty
NOTE: Warranty does not apply to digital download products.
Electronic Arts Limited Warranty
Electronic Arts warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the recording medium on
which the software program(s) are recorded (the “Recording Medium”) is free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If the Recording
Medium is found to be defective within 90 days from the date of purchase, Electronic Arts
agrees to replace the Recording Medium free of charge upon receipt of the Recording Medium
at its service center, postage paid, with proof of purchase. This warranty is limited to the
Recording Medium containing the software program that was originally provided by Electronic
Arts. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if, in the judgment of Electronic
Arts, the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment or neglect.
This limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written, express or
implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and
no other representation of any nature shall be binding on or obligate Electronic Arts. If any
such warranties are incapable of exclusion, then such warranties applicable to this product,
including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited
to the 90-day period described above. In no event will Electronic Arts be liable for any special,
incidental, or consequential damages resulting from possession, use or malfunction of this
Electronic Arts product, including damage to property, and to the extent permitted by law,
damages for personal injury, even if Electronic Arts has been advised of the possibility of such
damages. Some states do not allow limitation as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or
exclusions or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations and/or
exclusion of liability may not apply to you. In such jurisdictions, the Electronic Arts’ liability shall
be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. This warranty gives you specific rights. You
may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
Returns Within the 90-Day Warranty Period
Please return the product along with (1) a copy of the original sales receipt showing the date
of purchase, (2) a brief description of the difficulty you are experiencing, and (3) your name,
address and phone number to the address below and Electronic Arts will mail a replacement
Recording Medium to you. If the product was damaged through misuse or accident, this 90-day
warranty is rendered void and you will need to follow the instructions for returns after the 90-
day warranty period. We strongly recommend that you send your products using a traceable
delivery method. Electronic Arts is not responsible for products not in its possession.
EA Warranty Information
If the defect in the Recording Medium resulted from abuse, mistreatment or neglect, or if the
Recording Medium is found to be defective after 90 days from the date of purchase, choose
one of the following options to receive our replacement instructions:
Online Warranty Information: http://warrantyinfo.ea.com
EA Warranty Mailing Address:
Electronic Arts Customer Warranty, 7700 W Parmer Lane, Building C, Austin, TX 78729-8101
Package Cover Illustration: Cinco Design
Electronic Arts reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this
manual at anytime and without notice.
Circuits give your weapon bonuses to reload, rate of fire, damage, or clip. To begin adding
Circuits, select an empty Circuit slot and select one of these features from the menu that
appears, then add any Circuit you have found, or craft a new one by selecting CONSTRUCT
Each Frame comes with a specific number of Circuit slots. If your weapon has fewer than eight
Circuit slots, you can unlock more with Tungsten.
Some Circuits have a single boost, such as +2 Damage, while others have two, such as +1
Reload +1 Rate of Fire. If you see a Circuit with minor structural flaws, noted in the description
on the right side of the screen, it means the Circuit has a bonus at the expense of another
feature. For instance, +2 Rate of Fire -1 Damage gives you a faster firing speed at the expense
of damage dealt.
coMPletInG constructIon
When you’re finished designing your weapon, press Y to create a blueprint for it (to share with
your friends in co-op games), or press B to construct it.
ModIfyInG a weaPon
At the Bench, select WEAPON CRAFTING and choose a weapon to modify or upgrade it.
This takes you to the weapon construction menu, where you can change or add Tools, Tips,
Attachments, and Circuits to your weapons. If you only want to upgrade a weapon with
Circuits, select WEAPON UPGRADES from the Modify Weapons menu to skip the entire weapon
construction menu.
craftInG IteMs
Crafting items using resources adds valuables to your inventory when you can’t find enough
in containers. Craftable items include ammo clips, Med Packs, Stasis packs, and Tungsten
Torque Bars. Each item in the list has a number on the right that tells you how many you
already have in your Inventory.
All of the items you craft take up room in your inventory—though you can add an unlimited
number of Tungsten Torque Bars because they stack in a single slot. To sell an item and gain
resources as payment, select it from the list and press Y. Just remember that the resources
you receive for selling an item are typically only half of the resources that go into crafting the
item in the first place. You can also share items by pressing X in co-op games.
safe Inventory
The Bench gives you access to your Safe Inventory, so you can move items from your Safe to
the RIG Inventory for use. To view your inventory at the Bench, select SAFE from the Bench
menu. To move an item from the RIG Inventory to the Safe Inventory or vice versa, select the
item and press A. Once an item is in your Safe Inventory, you cannot access it until you are at
a Bench. To sell an item, press Y.