www.ArmyofTwo.comArmy of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel
PauSe Menu
Press the START button at any time during a mission to access the Pause menu. From
here, you can resume your game, restart the checkpoint, restart the chapter, jump to the
Options menu, or quit the game.
Resume Resume the game from your current place.
Restart Checkpoint
Restart the current mission from the last checkpoint.
Restart Chapter
Restart the current chapter from the beginning.
Options Access the Options menu to adjust controls, audio, and brightness.
Quit Quit the game. All progress since the last checkpoint will be lost.
The heads-up display (HUD) shows your Overkill Meter, available ammo and grenades, the
location of your objective and partner, and, in single-player only, commands you can issue to
your AI partner. It also displays fading health when you’ve been shot.
he a lt h
When you’ve been shot, a red damage indicator appears. As you take more damage,
bloodstains also appear onscreen and the visuals desaturate. Taking cover or moving away
from the source of damage can eliminate the red damage indicator as you regain health.
Overkill Meter
TWO Vision
Bravo AI
Cover Marker