www.ArmyofTwo.comArmy of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel
Taking down a cartel takes guts and strategy. Firing from cover offers advantages such
as a reduction in the amount of damage you take, while rushing an enemy to perform a
melee attack can earn you additional Overkill points for your bravado. Working with your
partners is also crucial to meeting your mission objectives, not to mention making it
out alive.
As you complete missions and chapters, you earn money that allows you to rank up.
Playing co-op and using Overkill earns you more money, so you rank up faster.
Ranking up unlocks new weapons, gun parts, tattoos, masks, and tactical gear, to make
you a stronger combatant on the field.
Having powerful weapons during a mission is critical to success. Before a mission, select
CUSTOMIZE WEAPON LOADOUT in the Start Game menu to choose your weapons.
During a mission, press
to equip your other weapon.
An alternative to firing with your weapon is throwing grenades, which can help you take
out multiple enemies for additional Overkill points.
To pick up a dropped weapon from a fallen enemy, hold
when the prompt appears.
This exchanges your current weapon for the new one. To pick up ammo, simply pass
over it.
When enemies open fire, taking cover can be the difference between survival and death.
If cover is available, a vertical, blue chevron icon appears at the site. Press A
to take
cover. When the icon appears on-screen, press A to slide your character into cover
from his current position.
to pop out of cover and begin aiming. Shoot with
. You can also shoot or throw
grenades over your shoulder by pulling
or pressing
, respectively, without aiming.
This lets you deal damage from the safety of cover, though your aim suffers.
If you need to switch cover, simply position yourself on the outside edge of a corner, look
at the other side of the cover, and press
. To vault over cover, move toward the cover
and hold
. In addition, holding
while moving allows you to automatically vault over
certain objects.
You can exit cover by moving away from your current position. Alternately, you can exit
cover by pressing A when there’s no cover option or by reaching the edge of cover
and pressing A.
The blue semi-circle on the left side of the screen shows your TWO Vision charge. When
this meter is full, you can activate TWO Vision to see interactive objects and the status
of nearby enemies by way of icons. Objects viewed through the lens of TWO Vision may
suggest a place to go, route to follow, or switch to push. Spotting an enemy by focusing
on him with your crosshairs highlights that enemy for your partner, whether or not your
partner has TWO Vision activated. Spotting enemies makes them visible no matter
where they are in the world, so use it often to maximize your team’s efficiency.