Coaching Tip: Penalties
By default, your player starts aiming at the middle of the goal. From the moment
you start powering up for a shot, you can hold the left stick to move the aim anywhere
inside the goal. The longer you hold the left stick in any particular direction, the farther your
player’s shot goes in that direction. Be careful with how long you hold the left stick, as
letting go too soon results in a shot closer to the middle of the goal, and holding it for too
long causes your player to miss the goal.
Saving: Committing to a save direction early allows your goalkeeper to reach farther and
save shots close to the corner of the goals. However, diving farther to the side makes it
more difficult to save shots aimed toward the middle of the goal.
If you think the kick taker is going for placement rather than power, you can try to react to
the shot by holding the right stick in any direction after the ball has been kicked.