Technical Terminology
• Refrigerant
Fluids, which are used for refrigeration are called refrigerants. They
have a relatively low boiling point; so low, that the warmth of foods
in the refrigeration appliance can cause them to boil or vaporise.
• Refrigerant circuit
Sealed circulation system, in which the refrigerant is found. The refri-
gerant circuit consists for the most part of an evaporator, a compres-
sor, a condenser and tubing.
• Evaporator
The refrigerant is evaporated in the evaporator. This warmth is with-
drawn from the appliance interior, which is thus cooled. Like all
fluids, refrigerants require warmth in order to be evaporated. For this
reason the evaporator is located in the appliance interior.
• Compressor
The compressor looks like a small bin. It is powered by an electric
motor and is housed at the back in the base of the appliance. It is the
task of the compressor to withdraw vaporous refrigerant from the
evaporator, to compress it and feed it to the condenser.
• Condenser
The condenser is usually in the form of a grid. Compressed refrigerant
from the compressor is liquefied in the condenser. Thus warmth is
released, which is given off into the surrounding air at the surface of
the condenser. The condenser is therefore outside of the appliance,
usually at the back.