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Correct storage
For physical reasons, the refrigerator
compartment has different tempera-
ture zones. The coldest zone is on the
lowest storage shelf immediately
above the fruit and vegetable drawers.
Warmer zones are the upper storage
shelves and door racks. The arrange-
ment (see fig.) indicates where dif-
ferent types of food are best stored
to make the most of temperature
For instance, the shelf immediately
above the fruit and vegetable trays
should be 5 °C for safe storage of
meat and fish products. In order to
check that the appliance is at 5 °C on
the lowest shelf you can carry out
the following test yourself:
0 Place a cup of water in the centre of
the said shelf with a thermometer
0 Leave the fridge door closed overnight and check the temperature first
thing in the morning.
0 At this point the temperature should read no more than 5 °C; if it does,
you need to adjust the temperature regulator to a colder setting.
For further information on keeping food cool and safe a guide
published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is available
and can be obtained free of charge by contacting:
Foodsense, London SE99 7TT. Tel: 0645 556000
Tip: Food stored in the refrigerator compartment should always be cov-
ered or packed so that they do not dry out, lose their flavour, or trans-
fer their flavour to any other refrigerated food. The following are
suitable for packing:
– polyethylene bags;
– plastic containers with lids;
– special plastic covers with rubber retainers;
– aluminium foil.