
Condenser Replacement
1. Disconnect electrical supply to refrigerator.
2. Remove compressor access panel.
3. Recover refrigerant by using EPA approved
recovery system.
4. Remove condenser fan mounting screws.
5. Unplug fan motor harness located in back of fan
6. Remove fan motor and fan blade.
7. After refrigerant is completely recovered,
disconnect inlet and discharge lines from
8. Lift front of condenser and pull out of retainers
mounted to the drain pan.
9. Remove old condenser out the back of cabinet.
10. Install replacement condenser.
11. Remove original filter-drier.
12. Install new filter-drier at condenser outlet.
13. Evacuate and charge the system using
recommended procedure described under
Evacuating and Recharging.
14. Reassemble unit.
Refrigeration System
10. Reform both suction and discharge lines to align
with new compressor. If they are too short, use
additional lengths of tubing. Joints should overlap
0.5” to provide sufficient area for good solder joint.
Clean and mark area where tubing should be cut.
Cut tubing with tubing cutter. Work as quickly as
possible to avoid letting moisture and air into the
11. Solder all connections according to soldering
12. Remove original filter-drier.
13. Install new filter-drier at condenser outlet.
14. Evacuate and charge system using recommended
procedure described under Evacuating and
15. Reconnect compressor terminal leads in
accordance with refrigerator wiring diagram.
16. Reassemble unit.
DO NOT unbraze old filter-drier from system. This
will vaporize and drive moisture from desiccant
back into system. The old filter-drier should be
cut out of system.
DO NOT unbraze old filter-drier from system. This
will vaporize and drive moisture from desiccant
back into system. The old filter-drier should be
cut out of system.
The following instructions are generalized to
help the technician understand the procedures
of sealed system repairs. See Section 5
Component Teardown on the exact steps of
accessing the components of the refrigeration