Baking Table
The stated baking times are for guidance only.
Recommended cooking methods, shelf positions
and temperatures are printed in bold type.
Hot Air ¥ Conventional ¡
Type of pastry or
Temperature in
Temperature in
Baking time in
Sponge base
Pudding bowl or ring-
shaped cakes
150-170 1 160-180 1 50-70
Madeira cake
baking tin)
140-160 1 150-170 1 70-80
Flan case 150-170 3 170-190 2 20-25
Apple flan, very thin 150-170 1 170-190* 1 45-60
Fairy cakes 150-170 3 180-190 3 20-30
Shortcrust pastry
Large cheesecake 140-160 1 170-190 1
60-90 +
10 mins. standing
Covered fruit pie 150-170 1 170-190 1 50-60
Cheesecake on the
--- --- 160-180 2 50-70
Puff pastry
French apple tart 150-170* 1 190-200* 1 40-50
Sponge cake
Sponge cake (DIN) 150-170 1 160-180 2 25-40
Flan case 150-160* 3 170-180* 3 25-30
Swiss roll 150-170* 3 180-200* 3 10-15
Yeast dough
Pudding bowl/ring-
shaped cakes
150-170 1 160-180 1 45-60
Plaited roll/ring, plait-
ed Danish pastry
150-170 3 170-190 3 30-40
Butter cake/sugar
sugar-topped cakes
160-180 3 190-200* 3 25-30
Sponge cake with
crumble topping
150-170 3 180-190 3 20-40
Apple crumble (DIN) 150-170 3 170-190 3 35-50
Cheesecake (tray) 150-170 3 170-190 3 45-50
Fruit loaf (500 g flour) 150-170* 3 160-180* 3 40-70
(round baking sheet)
230-250* 1 250-270* 1 10-25