22 electrolux using the oven
The menu Assisted Cooking
The Assisted Cooking in overview
The dishes in the Kitchen Assistant (ex-
cept for Specials) are prepared with au-
tomatic systems.
The automatic systems offer the opti-
mum settings (oven functions, tempera-
ture, cook time) for the respective dish.
Category Dish
Pork/Veal Roast pork Knuckle of veal
Rack of pork Osso buco
Knuckle of pork Stuffed breast of veal
Shoulder of pork Meatloaf
Roast veal
Beef/Game/Lamb Roast beef /fillet Roast hare
Scandanavian beef Rabbit in mustard
Roast beef Wild boar
Pot roast Roast lamb
Saddle of venison Rack of lamb, pink
Saddle of venison Leg of lamb
Poultry Chicken, whole Chicken drumsticks
Turkey, whole Coq au Vin
Duck, whole Duck à l’orange
Goose, whole Stuffed chicken
Turkey breast Poached chicken breast
Fish Whole fish Stuffed calamari
Fish fillets Poached fish
Dried code Fish bake
Fish in salt crust Steamed trout