EEMMSS 22448855 UUKK
Dish Weight Power Duration Standing Remarks/Hints
(in g) (Watt) (min) time (min)
Whole meat 500 150 1015 1015 Turn once. Cover fatty parts with aluminium
foil midway through.
Steak 200 150 46 510 Turn once.
Mixed chopped meat 500 150 914 5-10 Remove defrosted chopped meat midway
through programme.
Chicken 1000 150 2030 1530 Turn once. Cover legs and wings with alumi-
nium foil midway through.
Duck 1500 150 3545 4060 As for chicken.
2000 150 5060 4060
Whole fish 500 150 1015 1520 Turn once. Cover fins with aluminium foil.
Shrimps/Crab 250 150 68 1520 Stir thoroughly after half the defrosting time.
Dairy produce
Cottage cheese 500 150 1520 1520 Remove any aluminium foil wrapping.
Divide and stir frozen pieces from time to time.
Butter 250 150 23 1520 Remove any aluminium foil wrapping.
Cheese 250 150 24 20-30 Turn once.
Cream 200 ml 150 68 1520 Remove any aluminium foil wrapping.
Stir frozen from time to time.
Strawberries 500 150 7-9 1015 Defrost in a covered container, turn once.
Cherries 250 150 57 510 As for strawberries.
Black currants 250 150 57 1015 As for strawberries.
Rapberries 250 150 46 510 As for strawberries.