Operating Instructions
How to use the Steam Cooking Tables
The tables give the required temperature settings, cooking times, and
oven levels for a selection of typical dishes.
• Temperatures and steam cooking times are for guidance only, as these
will depend on the consistency and size of the food, quantity, and
type of oven tin or dish.
• If you cannot find the settings for a particular recipe, look for the
one that is most similar.
• Unless otherwise stated, the values given in the tables assume that
steam cooking is started with the oven cold.
Vigorous Steam Cooking
Vigorous Steam ¾ cooking is suitable for all types of food, fresh or
frozen. It can be used for cooking, defrosting, warming, poaching, or
blanching vegetables, meat, fish, pastries, rice, sweet corn, semolina,
and eggs.
A complete menu can be prepared at one time, on the serving dishes,
irrespective of quantity or cooking time.
The following table provides a guide.