Setting Oven Controls
About slow cook Setting slow cook
See the example below to set a slow cook on Lo.
The slow cook feature may be used to cook foods
more slowly at lower oven temperatures. The
cooking results will be like that of a Slow Cooker or
Crock-Pot. This feature is ideal for roasting beef,
the exterior of meats becoming dark but not burnt;
this is normal.
Slow cook may be set with the following options:
• Cooktime
• Cooktimewithendtime
The following temperature settings apply to the
slow cook feature:
• HI:275°F/134°C(default)forcooking4to5hours
• Lo:225°F/108°Cforcooking8to9hours
• Completelythawallfrozenfoodsbeforecooking.
• Positionmultiplerackstoaccommodatesize
of cooking utensils when cooking multiple food
• Addanycreamorcheesesaucesduringthelast
hour of cooking.
• Donotopentheovendooroftenorleavethe
door open when checking foods. The more heat
that is lost, the longer the food will need to cook.
• Coverthefoodstokeepthemmoistorusea
loose or vented type cover to allow foods to turn
crisp or brown.
• Roastsmaybeleftuncoveredsobrowningcan
occur. Cook times will vary depending on the
• Preheatingtheovenwillnotbenecessary.
For best results
Fig.1 Fig. 2
*Press +hi to choose the Hi option -Fig. 1-.
To add or change any cook settings after this
feature has started:
• SelecttheUPPER oven. Toggle between the
high and low settings by using the + or - keys.
• Ifchangingcookingtimes,selectthecook time
or end time keys needed to make the changes.
Step Press
2. Press SLOW COOK
3. Press -lo to choose the Lo
option -Fig. 2-.*
4. Press START
You may press CANCEL at any time when setting
the control or during the cooking process.