- 13 -
• Drain remaining liquid out of the chemical tank.
• Inspect and adjust every part of the sprayer.
- Completely clean every part, and repair, if
- Apply thin coating of oil on metal parts to
prevent rust.
- Remove spraying hose and pipe.
• Drain fuel tank, pull starter slowly a few times to
drain fuel from carburetor.
• Pour a small amount of clean motor oil into
spark plug hole, pull starter and crank the
engine until the TOP DEAD CENTER.
• Store in a dry area, free from dust.
Dimension L × W × H mm (in.) 330 × 405 × 590 (13.0 × 15.9 × 23.2)
Mass w/o Spraying hose kg (lb) 7.4 (16.3)
and nozzle
Capacity Chemical liquid tank L (gal.US) 19.0 (5.0)
Engine Type Air cooled, two stroke single cylinder
Displacement mL (cu.in.) 21.2 (1.3)
Rated speed r/min 7500
Carburetor ZAMA diaphragm type
Ignition Flywheel magneto : CDI (Capacitor discharge
ignition) system
Spark plug NGK BPM8Y
Starter Recoil starter
Fuel Mixing ratio Mixture of gasoline (unleaded, 89 octane
minimum) and specially blended 50 : 1 ECHO two
cycle engine oil.
Tank capacity L (fl.oz.US) 0.5 (16.9)
Pump Type Regenerative pump
Discharge volume L/min 0.8 - 7.0 (27 - 236.7)
(Nozzle) (fl.oz.US/min)
Pressure MPa 0.6 - 1.0
(psi.) 6 - 10 (85.3 - 142.2)
Nozzle 2-head nozzle*
Spraying hose 7.5 mm φ (Inner diameter)
* Technical data may be changed without advance notice.
* Other nozzles are available as optional supply.