Echo LANlink Router Option User Manual Issue 1.0 04 December 1997 Page 27 of 59
This table displays the IPX services in the IPX SAP table. Information in this
table comes from three sources:
1. IPX SAP Packets received from the Ethernet Port.
2. IPX SAP Packets received from the WAN port.
3. Static entries entered by the user.
The user can define up to 16 static routes in this table. The simplest means
to allow the router to 'learn' available services is to use
IPX SAP Receive
For configuration see the Ethernet Service Setup section. The user can then
highlight all services to be made static using the cursor and press
The user will be prompted to either delete the entry or make it part of the IPX
SAP table. Turning off IPX SAP Receive as before will cause other learned
services to age out after about four minutes.
TYPE Server identification number, defined
by IPX e.g. file server: 4, print server:
NETWORK Server network number.
SERVICE The service that must be used to
reach a specified Network.
NODE Server node address.
SOCKET Node address socket number used to
access the server.
HOPS Number of hops in the preferred route
to this server.
TIMER Time interval in seconds, since this
routing entry was last updated. For
the attached Network, this will be left
NAME This will display the time in seconds
since the routing entry was last
updated. For the attached Network
this will be left blank.