
1. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop. Shift automatic
transmission into PARK.
2. Turn OFF the engine.
3. Turn the ignition switch to the ON/RUN position, but
do not start the engine.
4. Press and hold the brake pedal.
5. Shift the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or
press the clutch pedal on a manual transmission.
6. Press and hold the transfer case NEUTRAL button
(located by the selector switch). The NEUTRAL indicator
light will blink while the shift is in progress. The light
will stop blinking (stay on solid) when the shift to
NEUTRAL is complete.
7. After the shift is completed and the NEUTRAL light
stays on, release the NEUTRAL button.
8. Start the engine.
9. Shift the transmission into REVERSE.
10. Release the brake pedal (and clutch pedal on manual
transmissions) for five seconds and ensure that there is
no vehicle movement.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 with automatic transmission in
DRIVE or manual transmission in first gear.
12. Turn OFF the engine.
13. Firmly apply the parking brake.
14. Shift the transmission into PARK or place manual
transmission in gear (not in Neutral).