▫ Base System ........................ 426
▫ Premium System – If Equipped .......... 428
▫ Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) Tire
Light Load Inflation Switch Description
(2500 Models) – If Equipped ............ 431
▫ General Information .................. 435
Ⅵ Fuel Requirements ..................... 435
▫ 3.7L And 4.7L Engine ................. 435
▫ 5.7L Engine ........................ 436
▫ Reformulated Gasoline ................ 436
▫ Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends ............. 437
▫ E-85 Usage In Non-Flex Fuel Vehicles ...... 437
▫ MMT In Gasoline .................... 438
▫ Materials Added To Fuel ............... 438
▫ Fuel System Cautions ................. 439
▫ Carbon Monoxide Warnings ............ 440
Ⅵ Flexible Fuel (4.7L Engine Only) —
If Equipped .......................... 440
▫ E85 General Information ............... 440
▫ Ethanol Fuel (E85) ................... 441
▫ Fuel Requirements ................... 442
▫ Selection Of Engine Oil For Flexible Fuel
Vehicles (E85) And Gasoline Vehicles ...... 443
▫ Starting ........................... 443
▫ Cruising Range ...................... 443
▫ Replacement Parts ................... 443
▫ Maintenance ........................ 444