When rear controls are locked by the front system, the
LOCK symbol on the temperature knob is illuminated
and any rear overhead adjustments are ignored.
Rear Mode Control
Auto Mode
The rear system automatically maintains the correct
mode and comfort level desired by the rear seat occu-
Headliner Mode
Air comes from the outlets in the headliner. Each of
these outlets can be individually adjusted to direct
the flow of air. Moving the air vanes of the outlets to one
side will shut off the airflow.
Bi-Level Mode
Air comes from both the headliner outlets and the
floor outlets.
NOTE: In many temperature positions, the BI-LEVEL
mode is designed to provide cooler air out of the head-
liner outlets and warmer air from the floor outlets.
Floor Mode
Air comes from the floor outlets.
Operating Tips
NOTE: Refer to the chart at the end of this section for
suggested control settings for various weather condi-
Summer Operation
The engine cooling system in air-conditioned vehicles
must be protected with a high-quality antifreeze coolant
to provide proper corrosion protection and to protect
against engine overheating. Refer to “Cooling System”