The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) contains so-
phisticated electronic equipment that may be sus-
ceptible to interference caused by improperly in-
stalled or high output radio transmitting
equipment. This interference can cause possible
loss of anti-lock braking capability. Installation of
such equipment should be performed by qualified
Pumping of the anti-lock brakes will diminish
their effectiveness and may lead to an accident.
Pumping makes the stopping distance longer. Just
press firmly on your brake pedal when you need
to slow down or stop.
WARNING! (Continued)
The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) cannot prevent
the natural laws of physics from acting on the
vehicle, nor can it increase braking or steering
efficiency beyond that afforded by the condition
of the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction
The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) cannot prevent
accidents, including those resulting from excessive
speed in turns, following another vehicle too
closely, or hydroplaning. Only a safe, attentive,
and skillful driver can prevent accidents.
The capabilities of an Anti-Lock Brake System
(ABS) equipped vehicle must never be exploited
in a reckless or dangerous manner, that could
jeopardize the user’s safety or the safety of others.