In the event that the problem has been momentary, the
transmission can be reset to regain all forward gears.
1. Stop the vehicle.
2. Shift into PARK.
3. Turn the ignition OFF, and restart the engine.
4. Shift into the desired gear range and resume driving.
NOTE: Even if the transmission can be reset, it is
recommended that you visit a dealer at your earliest
possible convenience. Your dealer has diagnostic equip-
ment to determine if the problem could recur.
If the transmission cannot be reset, dealer service is
AutoStick is a driver-interactive transmission that offers
six manual ratio changes to provide you with more
control. AutoStick allows you to maximize engine brak-
ing, eliminate undesirable upshifts and downshifts, and
improve overall vehicle performance. This system can
also provide you with more control during passing, city
driving, cold slippery conditions, mountain driving,
trailer towing, and many other situations.
By placing the shift lever one shift-level below the DRIVE
position, it can be moved from side to side. This allows
the driver to select a higher or lower range of gears.
Moving the shift lever to the left (-) triggers a downshift
and to the right (+) an upshift. The gear position will
display in the instrument cluster on the transmission
range indicator.
NOTE: In AutoStick mode, the transmission will only
shift up or down when the driver moves the shift lever to
the right (+) or left (-).