Selection Of Engine Oil For Flexible Fuel Vehicles
(E-85) and Gasoline Vehicles
FFV vehicles operated on E-85 require specially formu-
lated engine oils. These special requirements are included
in MOPAR engine oils, and in equivalent oils meeting
Chrysler Specification MS-6395. The manufacturer only
recommends engine oils that are API Certified and meet
the requirements of Material Standard MS-6395. MS-6395
contains additional requirements, developed during ex-
tensive fleet testing, to provide additional protection to
Chrysler LLC engines. Use MOPAR or an equivalent oil
meeting the specification MS-6395.
The characteristics of E-85 fuel make it unsuitable for use
when ambient temperatures fall below 0°F (-18°C). In the
range of 0°F (-18°C) to 32°F (0°C), you may experience an
increase in the time it takes for your engine to start, and
a deterioration in drivability (sags and/or hesitations)
until the engine is fully warmed up.
Do not use ethanol mixture greater than 85% in your
vehicle. It will cause difficulty in cold starting and
may affect drivability.
Cruising Range
Because E-85 fuel contains less energy per gallon/Liter
than gasoline, you will experience an increase in fuel
consumption. You can expect your miles per gallon
(mpg)/miles per liter and your driving range to decrease
by about 30%, compared to gasoline operation.
Replacement Parts
Many components in your Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) are
designed to be compatible with ethanol. Always be sure
that your vehicle is serviced with correct ethanol, com-
patible parts.