Drive Belt — Check Condition
Check the drive belt condition. Refer to the “Maintenance
Schedule” in Section 8 of this manual.
Inspect the drive belt for evidence of cuts, cracks, or
glazing and replace the belt for any sign of damage
which could result in belt failure.
The belt is self-tensioning and will not need adjustment.
Spark Plugs
Spark plugs must fire properly to assure engine perfor-
mance and emission control. New spark plugs should be
installed at the specified mileage. The entire set should be
replaced if there is any malfunction due to a faulty spark
plug. Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genuine Parts” in
Section 8 for spark plug information.
Catalytic Converter
The catalytic converter requires the use of unleaded fuel
only. Leaded gasoline will destroy the effectiveness of the
catalyst as an emission control device.
Under normal operating conditions, the catalytic con-
verter will not require maintenance. However, it is im-
portant to keep the engine properly tuned to assure
proper catalyst operation and prevent possible catalyst