acceleration, ease up on the accelerator and apply as little
throttle as possible. Be sure to adapt your speed and
driving to the prevailing road conditions.
The TCS OFF button is located in the center of the
instrument panel. To turn OFF the TCS, momentarily
press the button and the TCS Indicator Light will illumi-
nate. To turn the system ON again, momentarily press
the TCS OFF button and the indicator light will turn OFF.
To improve the vehicle’s traction when driving
with snow chains, or starting off in deep snow, sand, or
gravel, switch off the TCS by pressing the TCS OFF
When the TCS Indicator Light is illuminated con-
tinuously, the TCS is switched off. Avoid spinning
one drive wheel. This may cause serious damage to
the drive train.
The Traction Control System comes on each time the
ignition switch is turned ON. This will occur even if
you used the TCS OFF button to turn OFF the system.
The Traction Control System will make buzzing or
clicking sounds when in operation.