when a system fault is detected. The flash cycle will
repeat every ten minutes, without an audible chime, until
the fault condition no longer exists. If the ignition key is
cycled, this sequence will repeat, providing the system
fault still exists.
NOTE: A non-matching or compact spare wheel and
tire assembly does not have a tire pressure monitoring
sensor; therefore, it will not be monitored by the Tire
Pressure Monitor System (TPMS). If the non-matching or
compact spare tire was used in place of one of the four
road tires, a system fault will occur while driving the
vehicle. In case of a low pressure condition (ie. flat tire),
the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will remain
on solid until the original road tire has been properly
repaired, and put back onto the vehicle in place of the
non-matching or compact spare tire.
The TPMS has been optimized for the original
equipment tires and wheels. TPMS pressures have
been established for the tire size equipped on your
vehicle. Undesirable system operation or sensor
damage may result when using replacement equip-
ment that is not of the same size, type, and/or style.
After-market wheels can cause sensor damage. Do
not use tire sealant from a can, or balance beads if
your vehicle is equipped with a TPMS, as damage to
the sensors may result.